Beyond Driving Delivers Trailer Handling Training to National Grid in Worcester

Beyond Driving Delivers Trailer Handling Training to National Grid in Worcester

At Beyond Driving, we are committed to providing top-tier training in trailer handling, ensuring our clients meet and exceed Health and Safety (H&S) legislation requirements. Recently, we had the privilege of delivering specialized trailer handling training to the National Grid team in Worcester. These courses come with nationally accredited certification through LANTRA Awards, covering all bases for H&S compliance.

Comprehensive Towing Course – Training & Assessment

Our trailer handling courses cater to a wide range of industries, from agricultural and horticultural sectors to fire and rescue services. While we offer a specific off-road trailer course, our on-road towing course is designed for drivers navigating built-up urban areas. This ensures that participants gain the knowledge, skills, and awareness needed to handle trailers safely in diverse environments.

Key Focus Areas of Our On-Road Trailer Towing Course

1. Risks and Challenges:

• Understand the unique risks of towing trailers, including those posed by other road users.

• Learn to navigate heavy traffic and small rural lanes safely.

2. Health and Safety:

• Comprehensive coverage of H&S policies relevant to trailer handling.

• Learn how to conduct thorough trailer checks before operation.

3. Coupling and Uncoupling:

• Hands-on exercises to master the safe coupling and uncoupling of trailers.

4. Driving Techniques:

• Gain skills in reversing and reverse cornering in built-up areas.

• Learn to address stability issues and prevent snaking problems.

5. Awareness and Navigation:

• Understand clearance issues and how to maintain awareness of your surroundings.

• Participate in show-and-tell sessions for practical learning.

6. Assessment and Certification:

• Complete a trailer test and assessment to earn your LANTRA accredited certification.

Course Content

Our Trailer Handling Course includes the following modules to ensure comprehensive training:

• Understanding trailer weight and maximum authorised mass (MAM)

• Knowing your equipment and its capabilities

• Conducting pre-operation trailer checks

• Ensuring trailer health and safety

• Proper trailer loading and security techniques

• Practicing coupling and uncoupling

• Reversing and reverse cornering in built-up areas

• Addressing stability and snaking problems

• Navigating clearance issues

• Maintaining situational awareness

• Engaging in show-and-tell Q&A sessions

• Undergoing a thorough trailer test and assessment

For more information on our courses and to book your training, visit Beyond Driving Trailer Training.

Tailored Training for Your Needs

No matter the terrain, trailer handling presents unique risks. Our courses are developed in line with organizational needs and H&S policies, ensuring you and your team are fully prepared for the challenges of trailer towing.

By choosing Beyond Driving, you are investing in the safety and efficiency of your operations. Our expert trainers provide highly professional instruction, backed by years of experience and accreditation from LANTRA, the UK’s foremost driver training certification body.

For any inquiries or to schedule a training session, please contact us at Beyond Driving. We look forward to enhancing your team’s trailer handling capabilities and ensuring safe and compliant operations on the road.


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